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Weather Forecast for Rhode Island

Rhode Island experiences a mix of warm summers and very cold, snowy winters, with year-round partly cloudy skies. Temperatures typically range from 22°F to 83°F, with rare extremes beyond 7°F or 90°F.
For those seeking warm-weather activities, mid-June to mid-September is the ideal time to visit Rhode Island, as indicated by the tourism score.

In Rhode Island, the warm season spans 3.4 months, from June 2 to September 15, featuring average daily high temperatures exceeding 74°F. July stands out as the hottest month, boasting an average high of 82°F and a low of 65°F.
Conversely, the cold season encompasses 3.3 months, starting from December 3 to March 13, with average daily high temperatures dipping below 46°F. January marks the coldest month, with an average low of 23°F and a high of 37°F.

In Rhode Island, we illustrate rainfall variation within months, not just monthly totals, by displaying rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. Rhode Island experiences seasonal variation in monthly rainfall.
Rainfall occurs consistently throughout the year in Rhode Island. November stands out as the month with the highest rainfall, averaging 3.7 inches.
Conversely, January is the driest month in Rhode Island, with an average rainfall of 2.2 inches.

Rhode Island encounters notable seasonal changes in monthly snowfall, akin to rainfall, calculated over a 31-day period around each day of the year.
Snowfall predominates for approximately 4.9 months, stretching from November 12 to April 7, with a sliding 31-day snowfall exceeding 1.0 inches. January typically sees the heaviest snowfall, averaging 8.2 inches.
Conversely, the snowless phase extends for around 7.1 months, spanning from April 7 to November 12. The scantiest snowfall is typically observed around July 14, with an average total accumulation of 0.0 inches.
Weather Forecast for Rhode Island

Weather Forecast for Rhode Island


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